Avoid These Mistakes as a freelancer.



Mistake 1.

Stop being desperate for work

First thing that you should do is stop being desperate for work even when you are just starting out being desperate actually shows that your worth is not up to the mark and you lack confidence in your world yourself and there's a difference between hard work and desperation and you have to find that thin line in between because let's face it if the product is best in the world or if the service is best in the world nobody likes a pushy salesman so make sure that you are not making that mistake again because it might be harmful for your reputation.

Mistake 2.

Switching Niches & Lacking Focus

I see a lot of freelancers making is that they are switching niches and skills like crazy and they lack focus don't make a mistake of doing everything at a time for example if you are a copywriter and you might think oh graphic design looks cool maybe I should try that stop yourself right there and ask yourself are you an expert yet do you have enough clients for copy writing if the answer is no working that scale first and stop trying to do everything you feel attracted to and you think that it can increase your sales or your orders stop being a jack of all if you already have a skill then become better at it one day at a time instead of learning every single thing at one point because that is how you will lose focus and will eventually fail my advice to you would be to shut all those noises that you have in your head and just keep going with the skills.

Mistake 3.

Not Putting Enough work

Third mistake that many freelancers make is that they do not put enough work freelancing is business as well you guys and building a business takes a lot of time and effort no matter if you are a graphic designer or a video editor a photographer content writer, social media manager do not stop improving your skill take some time every week to learn what people are doing in your field what are the new software updates what are the new techniques to enhance and improve your work efficiency just keep learning this is as important as finding new clients and getting paid for it because most of the freelancers fail because they do not think that they need improvement on your skill and they think that they know everything so my advice to you would be to actually spot some best YouTube channels and actually follow their work every single week for example I am a graphic designer myself and I turn to learn for any new Photoshop updates.

Mistake 4.

Afraid of telling people

The fourth mistake that many freelancers are currently making is that they are actually afraid of telling people that they are open to orders and they’re actually freelancing this is a huge mistake let me ask you a question do at least 10 of your friends and understand their response than you have no idea how powerful this strategy is because your friends can actually be watching for your services without even buying your services they might not be your clients but they can actually refer you to people they already know so make sure that you are using your friends as your ambassadors for your service.

Mistake 5.

Being un-organized

The fifth mistake but the deadliest one is being unorganized since you are self-employed in half times left right and center and you have to do it every single thing by yourself from marketing to sales like to client work to final submission it can become a mess which can hamper your productivity and can result in missing deadlines and eventually bad reputation and word-of-mouth so in order to sustain your existing clients and tap on to new ones make sure you are extremely organized and by that I mean your work desk your client database your existing to-do list or basically anything that you are currently working on as a self-employed person you can use as a project management tool so that you have everything at one place and Google calendars to actually help you set reminders which will actually help you with submissions and keep a track of your world and make your clients happy.

 Freelancing tips and tricks. 


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