What is the number one skill that you need in order to be successful?




If you're thinking of starting a business, or you're already in business.

 What is the number one skill that you need in order to be successful?

It’s simply you're offering product or service to the marketplace in exchange of money. That’s what commerce is all about. Now in order to do that, you need people to be buying from you.

And how are you going to get customers if you don't know how to close, if you don't know how to sell, if you don't know how to sell your product or service, period?

Most business and new entrepreneurs have failed because they are doing and spend them most of time in the other activities which has very dangerous for their and for their company growth. That’s all good, but unless and until you have the ability to go out there and sell something in exchange of money, you’re not going to make money. And without money, how are you going to put money into research and development to make your product better?

So, a lot of time, we can see this, happens so much, that people think of, oh selling, it’s almost like they look down on the word, like oh, these are salespeople. Well, guess what?

If you are the salesperson in a company then you are doing sales for your company. you are in sales. The salesperson, you're in sales. You’re in accounting, you're in sales. You’re the CEO, you're in sales.

Everybody more focused on the company sales because through them we can generate and bring the huge profits in the company.  

let's make something cool It's about solving a problem for customers in the marketplace.

When you understand this, sales equals income. My question to you is how much time is you spending on improving your ability to sell, improving your team's ability to sell, particularly your ideas, to communicate your value to the marketplace?

Why should people buy from you?

Why they should keep buying from you?

Can you articulate that?

Can you do your 30-second elevator pitch?

Can you grab people's attention?

It is actually that simple. If you want to learn more about sales, not like the traditional sales techniques and all of that. I’m writing about how to sell, 21st century. How do you close?

How to close those big deals?

First of all, you should do more concentration on your skills if you are in sells side. With the passage of time you have learned from their experiences and in the sell, you have proper knowledge about a specific product which are you selling. And second you have more knowledge about their market. Last and important factor which had been rejected that is quality of your call pitch. During call you sell products or not it has been totally depending on the way of speaking and your call pitch.


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