Top Information Technology And Tech Highly Skills Expertise in 2021.


Top Seven IT skills for 2021 

Demanding IT Skills



With number one Linux this year companies are relying on its pros to know how to operate Linux successfully.

Basic maintenance, installing and configuring workstations, networking, and understanding the Linux command line are valuable skills to master RIGHT NOW! Having a good understanding of Linux under your belt can help you get your hands-on job roles like Systems Administrator, Security Administrator and Network Engineer.


At number two cybersecurity, by arming yourself with a strong cybersecurity skillset (things like risk identification and risk management) you can help organizations keep sensitive data safe. Companies are more vulnerable than ever due to the nature of remote work during the Covid-19 pandemic, making this skill incredibly important in 2021. Arming yourself with the right training and certifications can help you earn an impressive salary in a role such as Cybersecurity Engineer, Cybersecurity Analyst, Vulnerability Analyst or Pentester.

Cloud Computing:

At number three on this year's list: cloud computing.  Cloud computing skills such as configuration, deployment, and security for cloud services, management and troubleshooting are incredibly valuable for you because cloud computing can help these companies reduce their capital expenditures by 38 percent. That's a win for both you and them.  Getting those cumulus [laughing] I mean cumulative cloud computing skills can lead to jobs like Cloud Services Support Specialist, DevOps Engineer and Systems Administrator.

Machine Learning:

Next up is number four: Machine Learning, there are many skills that fall under the heading of machine learning these days. A great starting point would be to start with software engineering, system design, or computer science fundamentals and programming. These competencies will help you find patterns in data.  In the machine learning space, you could become a Software Engineer, Data Analyst, or Business Intelligence Analyst. 


At number five: DevOps, New software is rapidly being developed to meet the changing needs of companies and their customers. Gaining software development skills like software testing and debugging will be incredibly valuable this year and into the future. Other skills in the software development area include programming language, user experience or UX, and DevOps as well as the ability to design secure databases. Nailing down software development skills will position you really well for jobs like Software Engineer, Web Developer or Mobile Application Developer. 

UX Design:

Alright number six: UX design, Great UX design can help increase productivity, decrease costs, and boost a company's ability to both acquire and retain customers. UX Design skills such as visual design and coding as well as expert project management will help you establish yourself as an expert in the tech industry. Working with UX Design could mean working in roles like UX or UI designer, UX Engineer, Experience Designer.

Virtual Reality:

And last but certainly not least number seven virtual reality according to Deloitte virtual reality or VR is set to grow in a big way in 2021 and beyond predicting VR will grow by a hundred percent this year. VR skills like software engineering, 3d tools, and sound design can all be incredibly valuable assets for you and the company you'd like to work for. In VR you may have a job title like Senior VR Programmer, Virtual Reality Engineer or Virtual Reality Program Lead


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