World Top 5 High Marketable Courses in the 2021.


There has been a drastic change in the world in just a few decades the show-up of technological innovation has benched many mechanical and laborious works down goods and services are now easier to produce and deliver using the technology means so to keep you abreast dis latest.

Most careers have been relegated just by the surfacing of technology it is easier and more economical to do some of these jobs online by outsourcing them to experts in remote places with this in mind it is imperative that the choice students make should lead to good jobs and great careers but with thousands of courses available it can be confusing to finally settle on one course many students the world over faced the same dilemma how to make sure the course of study in the university would lead to a great job marketable courses in the world.

In this blog we will discuss top 5 marketable courses in the world

Management Business Administration: 


The management and business career are one of the world's top-rated marketable courses companies and firms would always need people with good sales skills and pitch to help promote their brands combining your sales skills with a good degree in business management administration would put you in a strong position career-wise the modern business manager combines savvy sales skills with a good knowledge of new technology which makes managing a business or a corporation more efficient.

Healthcare Administration: 

This is one of the most lucrative and marketable courses in the world one thing technology cannot replace is people the population of the world keeps growing hospitals and healthcare facilities would have to be built to cater for an expanding population these facilities would need professionals to run them smoothly this is something that robots and technology cannot do qualified humans would desperately be needed in the coming years to run these increasingly complex facilities.

Finance Management: 


The money market is another large market and has stood out as one of the most marketable courses in the world money or the management of money would never go out of fashion it is the way people calculate their worth in terms of what they can do to make their lives better as the population expands the pool of money also expands to accommodate the needs of more individuals so there would always be money therefore a financial expert would always be in demand to manage or advise people and businesses on how to organize their finances in an increasingly complex world



The field of engineering covers many aspects of life for instance the modern world needs software engineers to build sophisticated gadgets and machines used today so courses in computer engineering electrical engineering building engineering and so on would always be in demand

Clinical psychology: 


A few decades ago careers in psychology were restricted to just a few people psychologists were considered people who provided services that are not considered very important those were simple times the field of psychology has expanded so much to even include treating animals with mental problems for humans though there would be an increasing demand for psychology because mental issues are only increase




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